Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
139 lines
UE2SAS version 1.0
Compile C source code directly from the UEdit text editor. Step through any
reported errors and have the error lines in the source appear inverted. The
related error message will appear in a split window. Run this utility from the
defined keys or with the mouse from customized screen gadgets. Also contains
key definitions for loading macro sequences onto the keys of the numeric
The included script contains special key definitions that can be added to
a UEdit configuration. Instructions for adding the definitions are given below.
What the commands do:
ShiftAltControl-j: Changes the screen gadgets so that they will run my
compile keys. Just press this same combination to toggle back and forth
between my screen gadget functions and the default UEdit ones. The other
key definitions will work whether one has the screen gadgets on or off.
Having the gadgets just adds the option of mouse control.
ShiftAlt-j or gadget 1: Run this key to compile the source code in the
current file. A split window will appear. If the results returned by DOS
include no compile errors, the window will reveal whatever message comes from
DOS. If the compile has been successful, the split window will just show the
message "SAS C 6.1.",etc. If the DOS result has at least six lines of text,
my script assumes that it has compiler error results and it runs the key
ShiftAlt-k once.
ShiftAlt-k or gadget 2: Hilites the appropriate error line in the source
window and shows the correct error message in the split window. If all of
the error messages have been shown, then the last source error line remains
hilited and the message "last error message" appears in the split window.If
you are using a compiler other than SAS C version 6, see below for changes
that can be made that will allow my key definitions to work with the output
of other programs.
ShiftAlt-l or gadget 3: Removes the split window and the inverted region and
returns to editing the source file.
ShiftAlt-; : That's shift-alt-semicolon. This prompts the user to input a
different compile command, the default is 'sc:c/sc'. If this key is used
and nothing is entered, the default will be used. Even if one is using SAS
C, one might wish to enter just 'sc' as the command if the compiler has
been made resident, for example. I wanted to put this key on gadget 4, but
I couldn't find a way to mask the mouse button from ending primitive mode.
Oh, well.
ShiftControl-keypad (: No that's not a smiley face. It refers to the open
parenthesis on the top row of the numeric keypad. Saves the current learn
sequence to T: as uLearn.1.
ShiftAlt-keypad (: Loads and runs the learn sequence T:uLearn.1. This key and
the previous one are specimens of eight keys that all do similar things.
They allow one to load learn sequences onto the top four keys of the
numeric keypad { (,),/and * } and replay them as macros. I missed this
feature from the Lattice Screen Editor (now 'se'). One might expand on the
UEdit code that I've provided to give one the ability to load macros onto
more of the keypad keys, or other keys.
Adding the new features to UEdit:
Run UEdit and open the included Config!J file. Place the cursor at the top of the
file. Press function key F6 repeatedly until the cursor reaches the
bottom of the file. The new features are now available, but your configuration
on disk is unchanged. If you wish to add the new features to your setup,
then select the 'Data File/Save Data' menu item from the Buffers menu.
UEdit will prompt you to enter the name of the Data! file. If you just
press Escape, the default name of S:Data! will be used.
UEdit resources used:
A look at the 'defines' section of Config!J should tell most of the story.
Besides using ShiftAlt jkl and ;, I used ShiftControl jk and l to store
the contents of the screen gadgets while they are being used for my
functions. If any of the keys, variables, or buffers I've used are in
conflict with ones being used by your current UEdit setup, just modify the
contents of Config!J and recompile. That's the beauty of UEdit. If you
compile my keypad learn sequence keys at the end of Config!J, they occupy
ShiftControl (,),/, and * at the top of the keypad, plus the same keys,
only modified with ShiftAlt.
Using these features with other compilers:
It should be possible to modify Config!J to work with the output of other
compilers, as long as the error line is given with the error message. If
you are using Lattice C 5.04. the first line of the ShiftAlt-k definition
should be changed to 'setSearch("line")' and the number of subsequent
occurrances of the line 'incLoc(DOS_RESULT,locA)' should be changed. Each
time that incLoc is issued, it's like moving the cursor to the right by one
space. In the error message, count how many characters there are from the
start of the search word in the error message to the first numeral of the
line number. This will tell you the number of times incLoc should be
repeated to place the cursor on the line number. The code following this
converts the numeric char into an integer used to place the cursor on the
proper line of your source code.
I tried to get my keys going with the shareware version of DICE, but
it won't send all of the error messages to UEdit that it sends when run
from a shell a Shell window. Perhaps it has something to do with the
difference between STDOUT and STDERR on the Amiga. Who knows? If anyone
gets it going, let me know.
There is a problem with this version when split windows exist at the time of
the compile. Maybe I'll get that ironed out in a subsequent version...if
there are any.
The story:
Aren't you really GLAD that I saved the personal details until the end,
unlike SOME documentation authors? Pat Ryan of East Braintree, Massachusetts
is the world's premier UEdit evangelist. He's eager to tell you all about it
even if you're left wondering afterward, "What is an Omega?" So when I
decided to make a break away from LSE I made the move to UEdit. When some of
the details of SAS 6 revealed that it would offer a way to send compile
errors to ARexx capable text editors via the Scmsg facility, Pat was all
excited about applying this technique to UEdit. He and I are both interested
in programming, although we're mainly just duffers. Since I've been starting
to learn some ARexx, and with the prospect of Pat's help if I got bogged
down I set about interfacing UEdit with Scmsg. Well, you may have noticed
that there is no mention of ARexx anywhere in my docs or source. Scmsg
refuses to be invoked if the compiler is run from UEdit. I tried all kinds
of dodges: run, runback, even NewShell from fromfile. No soap. I was getting
set to call SAS technical support when it dawned on me...DUH! I could run
the compile from UEdit and get the console output in a buffer. I already had
all of the error lines in my grasp. To Hell with Scmsg (sorry SAS).
Please let me know if you have any suggestions, comments...or Praise!
Uploader: Joel B. Couch
Boston Computer Society Amiga Users' Group
One Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139
Meager Creations